Course curriculum

    1. NCR - NPCs, the gaze and reviewing our part - Module One (part I)

    2. NCR - NPCs, the gaze and reviewing our part - Module One (part II)

    3. NCR - NPCs, the gaze and reviewing our part - Module One (part III)

    4. The spiritless and backdrop technology (64-minute bonus)

    5. NCR - NPCs, the gaze and reviewing our part - Introduction video on the panel "Navigating the simulation and rising in frequency signature discernment" (64 items)

    1. Breaking free from negative entanglements

    2. NCR - Module Two ~ handler and handling signatures part I

    3. NCR - Module Two - handler and handling signatures part II

    4. NCR - Module Two - handler and handling signatures part III

    5. NCR - Module Two add - handling and handlers panel

    6. NCR - Module Two add - Videoclip handlee & handler partner

    7. University environment with mk ultra signatures and ties

    1. NCR - Module Three - dark reals, dracos and dark alien faction signatures Part I

    2. NCR - Module Three - dark reals, dracos and dark alien faction signatures Part II

    3. NCR - Module Three - dark reals, dracos and dark alien faction signatures Part III

    4. NCR - Module Three - dark reals, dracos and dark alien faction signatures Part IV

    5. NCR - Module Three add - Core beliefs panel

    6. NCR - Module Three add - Introduction video for the panel "Navigating dark engineering in complex relationships" (85 items)

    7. NCR - Module Three add - Extract I - N.

    8. NCR - Module Three add - Extract II - dark real

    9. NCR - Module Three add - Extract III - dark signatures

    10. NCR - Module Three add - Extract pdf - Article never published (distraction)

    11. NCR - Module Three add - Extract IV - audioclip from a conversation with a draco

    12. NCR - Module Three add - Extract V - interaction with the frequency signature of a draco

    13. NCR - Module Three add - Song sent by handler

    14. NCR - Module Three add - New age vision of why we are in the Earth Game

    1. NCR - Module Four ~ Beta Sex Kitten Programming and Beta Sex Kitten signatures part I

    2. NCR - Module Four ~ beta sex kitten programming and beta sex kitten signatures part II

    3. NCR - Module Four ~ beta sex kitten programming and beta sex kitten signatures part III

    4. NCR - Module Four add - Introduction video for the panel "Beta sex kitten signatures and beta sex kitten programming" (75 items)

    5. NCR - Module Four add - sex kitten videoclips I (female celebrity)

    6. NCR - Module Four add - sex kitten videoclips II (male celebrity)

    7. NCR - Module Four add - sex kitten videoclips III (different celebrities and on social media)

    8. NCR - Module Four add - sex kitten song I

    9. NCR - Module Four add - sex kitten song II

    10. Private youtube playlist on sex kitten programming and sex kitten signatures from the entertainment industry

    1. NCR - Module Five - part I on engineered romantical interests

    2. NCR - Module Five - part II fire creation beings used as distraction romantically and shattered fire creation beings

    3. NCR - Module Five - part III Shattered fire creation beings and weak and strong allies in the game

    4. NCR - Module Five - part IV case studies of strong connections in the game (allies)

    5. NCR - Module Five - Introduction video for the panel "Being the best version of self to connect with allies in the game" (75 items)

About this course

  • €397,00
  • 78 lessons
  • 33 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today