The modules

    1. Module One ~ start of a beautiful transition to a lighter and more alkaline way of living

    1. Module Two ~ cellular detoxification principles

    2. Group healing of the month

    3. Snippets of frequency signature reading (part II)

    4. Snippets of frequency signature reading (part I)

    5. Additional images

    1. Module Three ~ emotional eating and our addiction to food

    2. Group healing of the month

    1. Module Four ~ Discernment in the health field and breaking through myths and health disinformation and misinformation

    2. Extract of frequency signature (part I)

    3. Extract of frequency signature (part II)

    4. Group healing of the month

    5. Restorative qi gong class led by Lisa Ray

    6. Restorative qi gong class led by Lisa Ray, bonus on the Six Healing Sounds (audio)

    7. Movement class led by Olya focused on the heart

    8. My experience with a book (2 auras from the Genius)

    9. Movement recommendation

    1. Module Five ~ food combinations and iridology (part I)

    2. Module Five ~ food combinations and iridology (part II)

    3. Module Five ~ food combinations and iridology (part III)

    4. Frequency signature reading extract

    5. Group process of the month

    6. Olya's eyes: short iridology reading

    7. Blue eye short iridology reading

    8. Food combining chart

    1. Module Six ~ our relationship with technology and our online life

    2. Group healing of the month

About this course

  • €347,00
  • 42 lessons
  • 29.5 hours of video content

Dive into deeper cellular healing and trauma integration